…where the time goes? Ah, a nice bit of Fairport Convention for you this week.

There’s less  than a month left of the academic year! *Scream!*

Where have the last nine months gone, I ask you? For us in the Accommodation Office, they’ve whizzed by in a blur of cake, babies, goodbyes to old friends and hellos to new ones.

And for you? Have they blurred into a series of nights out, nights in, lectures and late-night library sessions, awesome new friends and experiences? I hope so. Now you’re probably all raring to go, full of plans for the summer.

Before you leave us (sob!), could you do us a couple of favours? It’s a busy old time for us, waving goodbye to student residents and getting ready for conference guests, and we need you to help us…

Could you please:

  • read your moving out guide thoroughly;
  • clean up your room a bit (a lot, in some cases…);
  • book a room inspection with your residence team;
  • and let us know when you’re planning on moving out?

(Your contract end date  – the last day you should be in your room – can be found in your accommodation account, on posters around your residence, or on this handy page…)

How was it for you?

We’re also looking for your feedback on our reception areas. Between 28 May and 12 June we’ll be popping up in your dining rooms and reception areas, asking you to complete a short questionnaire, letting us know about your experience with us.

I know it sounds clichéd, but your comments really do matter to us. It’s your opinions and experiences that help us identify any issues and resolve them (and to celebrate what we’re doing right!).

We hope you’ve seriously enjoyed your year in Exeter, whether it was your first or your last, and we really hope you all have ace summers planned.

Now, go and have fun!

Accommodation Cathy and your residence teams