Goooooooood morning!

This week we’ve started sending out offers to unconditional students – check your email inboxes to see if you’ve got one! If you haven’t applied for accommodation yet, make sure you do it soon so that we can get your offer processed.

If you’re happy with the offer we’ve sent you, please accept it (through your accommodation account) and pay the £300 deposit to secure your booking for September.

You have seven days from the date you pay your deposit to change your mind and cancel your booking – please let us know if you want to do this!

If you’ve got an offer and aren’t happy with it, please give us a call and see if we can offer you anything else. Don’t reject the offer, because we won’t be able to send you a new one!

If you’re a conditional student (waiting for exam results) don’t panic! We aren’t filling up residences with unconditional students – you still have every chance of getting one of your choices. We’ll process your application once your exam results have been confirmed and we know you’re definitely coming to Exeter.

Any questions, let us know!


Accommodation Cathy