Goooooood morning Exeter freshers! We have yet more offers to send out today, for the following residences:

  • James Owen Court
  • Rowancroft Court
  • various studio rooms

Now, some of you will not have applied for these residences, so may be a bit confused about why you’re being offered a room there.

Please remember that we aren’t always able to offer you one of your three preferences – loads of our halls have been oversubscribed to this year, and we’re sending you the best accommodation offer we can. If you have any questions please do get in touch.

If you reject an offer of accommodation from us and put in a new application, we cannot guarantee that we will make you another offer. If we do, it is unlikely to be for any of your preferred residences – we may only be able to offer you the same room as before.

If you reject an offer from us and do not put in a new application we will not make you another offer of accommodation.

If you have been offered a twin room in a catered hall and would like to swap contact details with your roommate, get in touch with us in the communications team and we’ll do our best to match you up.

We can only swap details when both of you have asked us to do so, and when you have both accepted and confirmed your bookings.

If you haven’t received an offer yet, please don’t worry – we will be sending more out next week.

Today’s cake is an invention from Residence Life Helen – chocolate orange French Fancies! Check them out!

Accommodation Cathy