It’s finally here!

Welcome Weekend, the busiest three days for Exeter’s road system, when most of you lovely new students join us in your new homes! (Lots of exclamation marks, because this is so exciting!!!!!!)

Most of you have booked your arrival slot so we know when to expect you, but a few of you have not been able to book online.

If you still need to let us know when you’re arriving, give us a call on 08444 724 724 (option 1 for accommodation) and we’ll book you in manually.

Now, this weekend is traditionally extremely busy for the whole country’s road systems as students everywhere make their journey to various universities.

There will inevitably be some delays which cause some of you to miss your booked arrival slot, and some of you may even arrive earlier than expected!

If you realise that you are going to miss your arrival slot, don’t panic. Give us a call on the number above and we’ll let you know some other times that you can aim for.

If an area is particularly busy (I’m looking at you, Birks Grange Village) you may be asked to wait in a holding area on campus until things calm down – our campuses and residences will be manned by arrival marshalls who will stay in contact with each other, letting you know when you move in.

Our phone lines will be manned all weekend between 09:30 and 17:30, so please don’t panic if your plans go awry. Things tend to calm down in the evenings though, so once our phone lines have closed just make your way to your residence as per your arrival instructions, and staff there will give you more information.

We keep an eye on various traffic monitoring sites, so if anything does happen on the roads we usually know about it pretty quickly.

Remember: whatever happens, we will get you moved in to your accommodation!

We can’t wait to meet you!

Accommodation Cathy (and all of the accommodation, residence and Residence Life teams)

PS – we’re back to weekly blog updates from next week – see you at 10am on Wednesday!