…Never you fear (no don’t you fear),  I’ll be ready, forever and always, I’m always here. Although it’s currently not the weather for a Baywatch themed tune, I thought the lyrics suited today’s blog post rather well. So as you are all aware (well, I certainly hope you’re aware) A-Level results are published today – eek!! This means that the Accommodation Office are now donning our capes in preparation to be super-busy with processing your applications and making sure that you all have somewhere to live in September

Today marks the day that thousands (yes, thousands) of you will be confirming your places at the University of Exeter. We shall be sending out our accommodation offers in batches from Monday 18 August. So please do not panic if you don’t hear from us immediately. Keep your eyes peeled on this blog and we shall be updating you on which offers are being sent out and when.

We are very pleased to welcome extra staff to help us in allocating you all with rooms. So welcome to Jess, Abigail and Harriet who are beavering away with this.  We like to ensure that we are mixing students and matching the interests on your application so it does take us some time. We are thrilled to also welcome Ben, Grace, Natalia, Kerry, Andrew and Benjamin who will be joining us in our communications centre ready to answer your emails and telephone calls. I shall be at the helm of the call centre and for me, it’s going to be exciting to experience this busy period for the first time (deep breaths).

My most favourite cake from The Farmers Market, made by The Blueberry Bros.
My most favourite cake from The Farmers Market, made by The Blueberry Bros. Here’s hoping we get something similar…

It is a lot of work for us all to get through over the next four weeks but we are ready (hence the blog title) to help you all out. We shall be fuelled by cups of tea and baked goods. Today marks the start of our annual Baketition (renamed from last year’s Caketition  because it’s not always cake that’s on offer). So be prepared to salivate over the blog posts over the next month because we shall be letting you know what is being eaten on that very day.

GOOD LUCK to those of you receiving results today!

Accommodation Catherine