It is indeed a manic Monday today and we are so ready for it! We have all of our Coms Centre staff (including the lovely Vikki who has joined us today) at the ready to answer all of your incoming calls and emails, so do get in touch if you have an accommodation query.

This weekend the Accommodation Office were busy allocating even more rooms to students with a firm University of Exeter offer. We are now ready to send out the first batch of those offers – hoorah!

Please keep a close eye on your emails because students who have been sent an offer of accommodation will be notified by email once this has arrived. In order to see what you have been offered, you will need to login to your accommodation account to view the offer.

I shall leave you with a parting picture of Harriet’s Baketition creation for Friday. Harriet baked a lovely lemon drizzle cake and a chocolate meringue cake – both were delicious. Thanks Harriet!

Accommodation Catherine