Today’s blog title comes from the musical Wicked and the song is rather apt for the topic of today. To provide you all with an indication of of just how many of you are applying for some of our residences please see the below statistics:

  • 46% of those of you who applied for self-catered accommodation have applied for Lafrowda, Rowe House and/or St Germans.
  • 44% of those of you who applied for catered accommodation have applied for Holland Hall

To find out more about our allocation procedure, please see our website for further information.

Those of you who will receive an offer of accommodation, will receive one offer and will have three days to accept/reject this offer and to pay your £300.00 deposit. If you have any queries, then please do not hesitate to contact us.

As an added note, we have updated our virtual tours and now have more rooms and external imagery to show you. Make sure you all take a peek!

Yesterday’s Baketition entry was brought to us by Sarah and she provided us with some delightful chocolate cupcakes (thank you Sarah!) The icing with the sprinkled stars was especially scrummy.

Accommodation Catherine

Starry eyed Sarah's cupcakes