Doesn’t time fly when you’re having fun? I cannot believe that it’s the second week of term already and by now, you should all be getting in to the groove of University life.  You will be able to navigate your way around campus to get to lectures and know the short cuts in to the city centre (trying to avoid as many hills as possible). Some of you may have even managed to pop along to the Forum Food Live event which took place yesterday with some of our fantastic chefs demonstrating some easy-to-make recipes. Recipe cards are available from our website – so make sure you take a look and have a go at trying something new.

There are a few ‘don’t forget’ updates for you to consider this week:

  • Accommodation Fees are due – your accommodation fees for term 1 were due to be paid on 22 September. If you have not yet paid, please note that late fees will be charged on the 3 October.  Please visit the Student Fees webpages for more information on how you to pay.
  • Deadline for nominations – Tomorrow marks the deadline for all Hall Committee nominations. Please look at the Students’ Guild webpages for further information on how you can take part.
  • New Student Survey – Keep your eyes peeled for an email with the subject heading ‘University of Exeter Arrivals Survey 2014’. This is a survey which helps us to know how you’re settling in; getting on and tells us if there are any improvements we can make. Don’t worry, it’s not a spam email and to prove it, there is a prize draw to win one of three £50 Amazon vouchers just for taking part. Think of all the university books (music/dvd’s and box sets) you could buy!!
  • Love food, hate waste – Are you in catered halls? Do you find yourself throwing away food at the end of the meal time? In bygone days the quantity of food per person was limited, however, nowadays it has proved to be a more positive experience to encourage a more relaxed approach to food portions. You are now free to take what you initially want, and to come back for more if you wish (with the exclusion of second main courses which are permitted after 6.30pm to ensure a good experience for all students, even those arriving later to dinner). With this in mind, why not reconsider how much you put on your plate?
  • Waste not, want not – The way we deal with waste and recycling at the University of Exeter has changed. To find out how this affects you, please see our frequently asked questions.

Well that’s quite a bit to be getting on with this week. Have a great week ’til the same time, same place, next week.

Accommodation Catherine
Love Food Hate Waste