Whilst thinking of a blog post for this week, I looked out of the window for inspiration and saw leaves dancing around the sky and it got me thinking about this time of year. I am certainly feeling autumnal at the moment what with leaves glowing various shades of orange and red, the crunch which is felt underfoot and that chilly breeze. It reminded me why this time of year is my very favourite, not just because I get to wear my thick coats and scarves but because we get an extra hour to catch up on things this month. Remember that old saying about clocks…they ‘spring forward and fall back?’ Well we are now in Autumn (fall) and this Sunday (at 2:00am) we all get an extra hour to catch up on work/sleep. So remember before you head to bed on Saturday night to put your clocks back an hour.

The extra hour probably comes as a treat to many because you’re already over half way through term one and Fresher’s Flu is in abundance (even we are suffering), the rain is beginning to fall and the work load is piling up. It’s difficult to not feel a little bit sorry for yourselves. So put that extra hour to good use – why not take a walk around the campus to clear the cobwebs? Do some extra reading/work? Or just give yourselves an extra hour to recouperate/sleep from all of those inevitable late nights which have taken place? Take a look at the Students’ Guild events page to see what exciting events are taking place this week to keep you going – there are even a number of exercise classes to perk you up.

Whilst wandering around campus, amidst all of the crunchy leaves and squirrels running around, we have certainly noticed more litter appearing. This is just a gentle reminder that when you are out and about, please use the recycling facilities provided and keep our grounds as tidy as possible. If not, we may have to hire the Pied Piper because rats are certainly drawn to litter…!!

Now to end my rather autumnal themed post, some of you may be growing concerned about the dark mornings/evenings and walking about the campus alone. Are you aware of the Estate Patrol ‘Guardian Angel Service’ which is a service available to any member of the University? If you are walking alone after dark from any location on campus to any of the car parks or residences, the Estate Patrol team will monitor your route via CCTV to ensure you arrive safely. If you wish to use this service, telephone Estate Patrol on 3999 when they are getting ready to leave their building to arrange with the duty supervisor to monitor CCTV cameras on the route that will be taken. For more information, please see the Estate Patrol webpages.

Accommodation Catherine