
It’s here, finally! Congratulations to those of you who have received the A-Level results you wanted and now know that you will be joining us in 2016/17.  We look forward to welcoming so many new faces to the University of Exeter.

Undergraduate students – Coming to Exeter but didn’t meet the accommodation guarantee deadline?

University accommodation
If, after receiving your results, you have decided to come to the University of Exeter for 2016/17 and have not yet applied for accommodation, you have unfortunately missed the deadline to have a guaranteed offer of accommodation from the University.  However, you are still able to submit an application online once your academic offer has been made firm through UCAS and with our Admissions Team.  Once you receive a firm offer, please follow the steps below with information on how to apply:

  1. Read our prospective students webpages for information on what accommodation we have to offer and the different standards of rooms available.
  2. Make a decision about the type of accommodation you would prefer.
  3. Follow the information on our ‘how to apply‘ webpage.
  4. Activate an Accommodation Account
  5. Submit an application for Accommodation

Please note that accommodation applications made after the guarantee  deadline will now be dealt with on a first come, first served basis in date order of receipt. We are currently assessing whether we will have rooms available and we will be sending an update to those students who have submitted an application to us over the next week.

If there are rooms available within the University residences, it is likely that these will be in budget catered accommodation or off campus self-catered accommodation.

Remember that we if you offered accommodation you will need to ensure that you approx. £300.00 for an accommodation deposit available.

Private housing:
If the University are unable to offer you accommodation or you prefer to live elsewhere
you can search for accommodation in private housing in the City.  For help and advice about this, please see our previous blog post about searching for private housing. We have created a dedicated ‘private housing‘ webpage which provides up to date information on what is currently available within the city for students joining us in September 2016.

Undergraduate students – Coming to Exeter and applied before the guarantee deadline?
As mentioned within yesterday’s blogpost, we will start sending accommodation offers out from Monday to those students who had Exeter as their first choice of University, applied for accommodation before the guarantee deadline and have now received a confirmed academic place at our Exeter campuses. You will receive an email to advise you when the offer is ready for you to view.

If you have any enquiries about the application process, please contact us on 0300 555 0444 and we will be happy to help.

Accommodation Catherine