We are delighted to have an additional blog this week, it’s a guest blog brought to you by Rosie McDonagh who is Vice-President Activities from the Students’ Guild. She is letting you all know about Refreshers – an ideal way to get over the stress of exams:

Welcome back to Exeter! We hope you had a fun and relaxing break. What better way to get back into term than Refreshers! Refreshers week is running from the 14 to the 18 January and there’s loads to get involved with. Have a look at What’s On to see all the taster sessions.

Firstly, we would like to invite you to the Refreshers Launch Party on January 13th. We are being joined by Silent Social in the Lemmy for a silent disco like no other! Don the glitter and headphones for an awesome night. Even better, if you buy your ticket through your society page, £1 of every ticket goes back to the society! What more could you want?

Each day in the Forum will have a different theme:

Monday- Activities– have a look at the societies we currently have- with nearly 270 there’s so many you could get involved in! The Society Officers will be in the Forum advertising on behalf of their societies from 11am-3pm. Take a leap and join something new- is it getting healthy with one of our numerous fitness societies or doing something daring with an outdoor and adventure society? All sign-ups are online, so no need to worry about cash!

Tuesday- Voice– Do you want to change the University or Guild? How can you get involved in Guild democracy? We’re a democratic organisation with students’ ideas at the heart. Tuesday in the Forum from 11-3 we will have representatives from all the councils to tell you about what they do.

Is democracy dead? The Voice Team is running a unique workshop called ‘Democracy is Dead’ in Forum Seminar rooms 10 & 11 from 11:30-12:30. What can democracy do and how can you get involved? Grace Frain your Guild President is one of the speakers- it’s looking to be an exciting event.Wednesday- Sport– What sports clubs can you get involved in? There are 50 clubs, so I bet there’s something for you! Is it your New Year’s Resolution to get fit, or do you want to try something new? Have a look around the Forum at all the clubs we have.

Is today the day to join the gym? Speak to gym staff down in the Forum if you want more information. This month the Athletics Union is running Move your Mood- sport is a great way to improve your mental health and can relieve stress. Ask the clubs what they have planned!

Thursday- Sabbs and New Societies Fair– What do the Sabbs do? Could you be the next Guild President? The Sabbs will be outside the Ram from 11-3 with free hot drinks, cake and fruit ready to chat and answer your questions. Share with us what you would change about your University experience and we’ll share with you how you can do it.

We have loads of societies who’ve recently been affiliated – have a browse, what could you get involved in? They will be in the Forum and Cross Keys from 11am-3pm to share what they have been up to and give you the opportunity to join!

Friday- Advice– There is so much on campus to support students, from mental health services to career advice, have a look at what’s available! It’s always useful to know who you can go to for help, whether that’s in your accommodation, on campus or in town. In the Forum from 11-3 there will be Guild, University and external advice services, keen to speak to you about what they do. If you’re an exchange student, today is a great opportunity to ask any questions to the Study Abroad Team who will also be there sharing their knowledge.

The Sabbs will be on St Luke’s on Friday in G47 and Cross Keys hearing your ideas about how to improve your campus. Come and grab some cake or fruit and let them know what you would like to change!

Refreshers will an absolutely jam-packed week to kickstart Term two!

Guild Rosie