We hope you are having a great week so far and have managed to take some time out for you! It’s the perfect opportunity now to put your feet up, enjoy a cup of tea and a biscuit (or two!) and have a read of today’s blog. Brought to you by Joel Smith – Sustainability Officer, this is part two of our Retain? Reuse? Recycle? blog posts. Joel is sharing more helpful information and insights on a number of great initiatives aimed at helping you make the best use of your things.

What to do with all that stuff?
Whatever you have, whenever you’re moving out and wherever you’re moving to; we’d encourage you to make the best use of what you have – whether you retain, reuse, or recycle. Below are details of a few great initiatives to help you make a positive impact on the environment and local community by reducing waste – both for those living off campus (see Students on the Move) and on campus (see Moving On).

Students on the Move (off campus)
The University is working with the Student Community Wardens, Students’ Guild and Exeter City Council to subsidise a range of refuse/recycling collections for all students living off campus.

  • Free non-recyclable waste collections: Realised you are not moving out on bin day? Use our free ‘text-a-collection’ service for all those living off campus. These collections will take place every Monday and Friday on these dates:
    • June 3, 7, 10, 14, 17, 21, 24, 28
    • July 8, 12, 22, 26

Look out for your ‘Students on the Move’ envelope with special stickers inside. Simply place stickers on each rubbish bag and leave it outside on the evening before a collection or by 6:00am on the day of collection. But don’t forget to text “RUBBISH” and the first line of your address to 07521227117. Texts to this number need to be received by 9:00pm the evening before a collection. You can collect your Students on the Move envelope as well as extra stickers from SID reception areas, Guild information points and Student Hubs from mid May.

  • British Heart Foundation bags
    British Heart Foundation bags are included in your ‘Students on the Move’ envelope. Simply fill your bag with good quality unwanted clothing, shoes, bags, accessories, books, computer games, CDs, DVDs, electrical items, crockery, cookware and homeware. Then either:
  • Book a free BHF collection by calling 01392 410662 (Josie, Shop Manager) or email packforgood@bhf.org.uk
  • Take the bags to drop off points including: 160 Sidwell street, Lafrowda, Birks Grange, Rowancroft, St Davids Brunel Close, James Owen Court Laundry, Birks Grange Central Block Reception, Lopes Hall Foyer, Holland Hall Laundry, St Davids Laundry and Duryard Creedy House.

Glass collections: Glass Caddying collections are only provided to students living off campus who do not have access to a vehicle and who do not live close to a bottle bank. This service will begin at the end of May and run until the end of July. Please email streetwise@exeter.ac.uk for more information or find your glass bank in Exeter.

This project redirects unwanted items donated by students leaving Halls accommodation to charity and 2019 is our sixth year of partnership with the British Heart Foundation. It provides the convenience of donation points within halls of residence, as well as collection banks on campus. The charity will use these donations to sell in their charity shops, to raise vital funds for the cause. From stationery and books to kitchenware and clothing, they will take your unwanted items and more details of what and where to donate can be found here.

A few more things…

  • Duvets, pillows, bed-linen: Local charity, Turntable, can collect these for free, providing there are no marks or stains. To book a collection (please give as much notice as possible) visit this website or call 01392 202032 for more details.
  • Bicycles: There are two great bicycle recycle charities in the city who take donations – Ride On and Exeter Bike Workshop.
  • Furniture: British Heart Foundation also offer free furniture collections – simply arrange a collection here.
  • Coats: Unwanted coats for can be donated to charity through CoLab. Simply drop them off at their hub – 3 King William Street, Exeter, EX4 6PD – between the hours of 9:30am – 4:30pm Monday to Friday.

There are many other charity shops in the city that take donations from individuals – and your ‘trash’ could well be another friend’s ‘treasure’ so why not ask around before throwing anything away.

Sustainability Joel

Thank you very much again to Joel for sharing these brilliant tips and advice with us. We hope you enjoy the rest of your week and have a wonderful weekend! If you are thinking of something to do, have a look at the upcoming events from the Residence Life team.

There’s a trip to Paignton Zoo on Friday 24 May and a Guided Walk along Dartmoor on Saturday 25 May. Sounds like the perfect combination; some animal therapy followed by the fresh air and quiet magic of the beautiful countryside.

What a great way to end the week!

Accommodation PriscillaÂ