So, perhaps you’ve already decided on your accommodation choices for next year and you’re now counting down the days until you can arrive! Or maybe you’re still in two minds about what exactly you want to apply for. (Please remember our 31st July deadline for those covered by our guarantee!) Either way, you’ll want to know what to expect to prepare you for the transition to University. Today’s blog will be looking at the self-catered accommodation we offer and things to consider when preparing your next home.

Cooking and Cleaning:

In self-catered accommodation you will need to make your own meals, so you need to be prepared to cook.

There’s plenty of advice for students with easy meal planning and tips, it can also be a great activity to bond with your flatmates. Self-catering is also great if you’re a fussy eater, have a busy schedule or any food allergies; you can cook what you want, when you want.

You will however, need to supply the majority of your cooking equipment and any basic cleaning products for the washing up!

Please read our Moving in checklist‎ for more details of the items you might want to bring.

What is included?
Information about what is provided within self-catered rooms can be found on our website. Self-catered accommodation gives students access to a communal kitchen area (unless you’re living within a studio whereby you have your own kitchenette area). Many students prefer the option of a shared kitchen as they find it to be a social hotspot and a place where you can learn from each other and enhance your cooking skills. In your room you will find:

  • Bed, wardrobe, desk and chair – for bed sizes, please see each individual residence
  • Bookshelves, desk lamp or built-in lighting, noticeboard and waste bin.
  • High speed wired and wireless network/internet from Glide Student*.
  • Shower, washbasin and toilet facilities in en-suite and studio rooms.

Take a look at our Youtube video for an insight into our self-catered accommodation.

Who will I be living with?
We have three main types of self-catered rooms:

  • Studio
  • En-suite
  • Standard

If you are allocated to an En-suite or standard room then you will be sharing with other students. When we place you in your flat we will be looking to match your application preferences with others in your flat. For example, we will take into account preferences such as single gender living, quiet and alcohol free preferences. To find out more about how we allocate rooms, please see our Room Allocation Procedure.

We hope that you’ve enjoyed today’s blog and that it has given you some information to think about, next week we will look again at catered halls and what to expect from them. Have a lovely week!

Accommodation Shannon