Hello everyone! As you probably know, our application system opened yesterday so in today’s blog we will be focusing on some of the questions we have seen surrounding accommodation applications. 

I haven’t been given a Student ID number: 

When the Admissions team wrote to you (by email) with your offer of study, this would have had your Exeter student ID number on it. It will also be quoted on any other correspondence from Admissions. It is 9 digits long and is likely to start with 72, 71 or 70. 

I have firmed Exeter but keep getting an error message when I try to register an account: 

Error message on the accommodation account registration page.

“Firstly, you must have a FIRM offer with University of Exeter. PLEASE NOTE: If you have received an offer of a place on a full-time postgraduate taught you will only have a FIRM offer once you have paid the deposit for your course at the University. Secondly, your information needs to be transferred from the Admissions Office system to the Accommodation Office system (usually within 3 days of Exeter becoming your FIRM choice). Only after both these conditions have been met will you be able to apply online. If you are unable to activate your account please wait 48 hours to allow the transfer to occur, then re-enter your details; or email us to inform them of any difficulties.” 

This error message comes up automatically if there is any mismatch between the details which you have entered and those held on our system. This is usually down to one (or more!) of the following: 

  • You are using your UCAS ID number rather than your Exeter Student number. 
  • Your name needs to match our records exactly. If you have multiple forenames or a double-barrelled surname then you might need to check with us how it has been formatted on our system. Please don’t use nicknames. 
  • You have accepted Exeter as your FIRM choice (Remember you may need to give it up to 3 days after firming for your records to be updated). Postgraduate students also need to have paid their tuition fee deposit. 
  • Your date of birth needs to be in the format DD/MM/YYYY 
  • Password needs to meet our security criteria (at least 8 letters with at least 1 number and 1 capital letter) 

The other possibility is that you already have an accommodation account which you registered last year but then deferred your study place. If you have forgotten the password which you would have used then click on the “Forgotten your password” link on the Log In page. 

If you still aren’t able to register, then you may wish to contact us so that we can have a look into it for you. 

Updating your account details: 

You can manage your accommodation account details online through the ‘Account’ tab. Here you can reset your password and if you wish to change your log-in email address go to ‘Maintain Account’. 

Any other personal details will need to be updated either through UCAS or through the admissions team. 

How many preferences do I have and do I need to select all of them? 

For 2022/23 applications which are submitted before 31 July, you will need to select 4 preferences. You will only be able to submit your application once you have added 4 preferences.  

Editing an application: 

It is possible to amend or delete an application but only before it has been submitted. 

  • Log in to your accommodation account 
  • Navigate to the ‘My Application and Booking’ tab 
  • Select ‘View’ against your application 
  • To amend your application, please select ‘edit’ against the relevant section then ‘save’ the application once again.  
  • Once you are happy with the details you have entered, don’t forget to submit your application. 

You are unable to make changes to your application once it has been submitted.  

Which application type do I need? 

If you are starting with us in September 2022 then you need to firstly select the 2022-23 session. You will then be presented with a number of application types like the image below. 

The majority of our applicants will be selecting either the “New Undergraduate” or “New Postgraduate” options. However, there are also specific applications for our family and couples accommodation, for students on an international exchange programme, or who will be studying on particular Medical School programmes. Please select whichever is most relevant to you.  

We hope that this has been a useful blog post, but remember that you can still contact us with any questions. We are currently available Monday-Friday 9-5pm.  

Until next time and wishing you a wonderful week!
Accommodation Meridith