Accommodation can be a really important factor when you are deciding which university you want to go to. This week we thought we would cover some of the questions we were asked at the undergraduate Offer Holder Visit Days, as these might help you to decide that Exeter is definitely the place for you! 

What is more popular – catered or self-catered?
Statistically, 23% of our undergraduate bedspaces are in catered accommodation, and 77% are in self-catered accommodation. Last year, 83% of applicants had self-catered as their first preference of accommodation so it would be fair to say that self-catered is the most popular. However, my advice would be to go with what suits your own needs. Some students like to know that their food is already budgeted for and don’t want to have to plan meals and cook for themselves; other students want the complete flexibility that comes with self-catering.

Is all the accommodation on campus?
No. All of our catered halls are on campus but we have self-catered residences at various locations across Streatham campus, the city centre and close to St Luke’s campus. With the addition of our newest residences, East Park and Moberly, about 84% of self-catered bedspaces are now on campus but it is worth bearing in mind that Exeter is a small city – you can walk from our city centre residences to the centre of Streatham within 15-20 minutes. Take a look at our Walking Distance map to find out more.

How many residences do I choose on my application?
We ask you to express 4 preferences when you apply. You then rank these preferences in order of preference! You’ll note that we describe these as “preferences” rather than “choices” because we can’t guarantee that you will definitely be offered one of these four. If every applicant selected the same 4 residences then it would be impossible for us to allocate everyone to one of their choices. We have nearly 5400 beds available to new undergraduates and a further 1100 for postgraduates and remember, as long as you apply within the guarantee period then you are guaranteed a bedspace.

So how likely is it that I will get one of my preferences?
Looking at the data from the last few years, around 60% of applicants got their first preference of residence and around 75% got one of their top three preferences. So there is a pretty good chance that you will be offered one of your preferences, but we just can’t predict what each year’s applications will be.

If we can’t match you to one of your four preferred residences, then we will look at what you selected and try and place you in the next best available option. We also ask you to guide us in what factor is most important to you – location, room type, price, or you don’t mind. Our webpage can give you more detail on our Room Allocation Procedure.

What are the most popular residences?
Generally speaking, it is the on-campus residences, and in particular those which have been shown on Open Days and Offer Holder Visit Days, as these are the residences that students remember seeing! You can take a look at our application ratio tables which show how many applications we received last year for every bedspace. But who knows what the 2022 applicants will be choosing?! My advice is to do your own research by looking at our residence webpages and virtual tours, and see what happens.

When do applications open?
For those of you holding a firm academic offer with us which starts in September 2022, applications for accommodation are now open but don’t panic if you have not yet applied! As long as you apply by 31 July then you may fall within our accommodation guarantee. Applications for undergraduates are not processed on a first-come, first-served basis so just have the 31 July deadline in mind. If you are deferred applicant then we advise you to submit your application by mid-May: as your results are already confirmed we will be able to process your application sooner. If you are planning to defer your place for another year, then you will not need to apply until the April of your year of entry. Take a look at our When to Apply page to find out more.

Accommodation Meridith