…don’t know much about the French I took; but I do know that exams are upon us again, and over the next few weeks we’ll be asking everyone to be particularly careful not to make too much noise in and around the residences.  Even if you’re lucky enough not to have any upcoming exams, others will, and distractions or disturbed sleep can be incredibly stressful.  So, please do keep noise to an absolute minimum – and remember you can always call Estate Patrol (01392 723999) if there are any noise problems in your residence.

We also know that revision and exams can feel overwhelming, so to help you out, we’ve collected together some of our top tips for success:

Take breaks.  I know it can feel like time away from your revision is time lost, but your brain needs breaks in order to take information in effectively and retain it properly.  Taking regular breaks isn’t time you’ve wasted when you should be working; it’s actually part of the work, and skipping it is counterproductive.

Eat something (preferably actual food).  When you’re concentrating on exams it’s easy to end up grazing, skipping meals, or living off Pot Noodles and Red Bull – but just like a car won’t run on the wrong fuel (or no fuel), neither will you.  Eating proper meals, at sensible times, can really help your study.  (Self-catered students don’t forget you can always buy a meal in catered halls, if you really can’t find the time to cook.)

Get up and move around a bit.  Whether it’s a gentle stretch or a visit to the gym, getting some exercise really helps.

No all-nighters.  Especially the night before your exam.  Just, no.  It’s very unlikely that you’ll take anything in; and even more unlikely that you’ll perform well in an exam if you’ve been awake all night.  You already know the material far better than you think you do, but you could really damage your chances if you go into an exam too exhausted to think straight.

Don’t know where to begin?  Check out this short online course on Managing Revision and Coping with Exams.

Getting stressed out?  Take a look at Wellbeing’s  exam anxiety management techniques and how to keep calm during exams.  You’re also welcome to chat to your Residence Life Mentor or contact the team – we’ve all been there and we know what it’s like.

Good luck to those of you who have exams coming up.

Residence Life Helen

Now for a little bit from me… our next Open Day is taking place on Tuesday 10 June 2014 with 11,000 visitors expected. If you are coming to see us on that day then we look forward to meeting you then. We are hoping to show rooms/communal areas within the following residences:

  • Lafrowda
  • Rowe House
  • Lopes
  • Ransom Pickard
  • Pennsylvania Court
  • Rowancroft

If you have a room in one of the above residences and are interested in allowing your room to be viewed by visitors then please contact your Residence Reception as soon as possible. As a thank you for your support, if we use your room/flats, you will receive a voucher to use in the Market Place.

Accommodation Catherine