Many of our students living within catered halls have been asking about the Easter vacation and what they need to do. Please see the information below for an update and also find out how you can provide feedback about your living experience.

Catered information for the Easter vacation
Information is being sent out this week to all students living within catered halls which will provide information on what is happening at your residence during this period e.g. do you have to take your belongings with you? Please note that students in catered halls are required to vacate their rooms by 10:00am on Saturday 1 April and are able to return from Sunday 30 April 2017. Further information can be found within the newsletter and on our Moving Out pages.

Guild Sabb Elections
The Guild elections are continuing this week and voting will end at 5:00pm on Friday 17 February. Please ensure that you have read through the manifestos of the candidates prior to submitting your vote. Remember who you vote for really could make a difference for your continuing years at the University of Exeter.

Student Switch Off
Student Switch Off has just launched the second online Climate Change Quiz for this year. It’s a national competition where imagethe four halls from across the UK that get the highest % of their students completing the quiz are rewarded with a delivery of 100 tubs of Ben & Jerry’s ice cream – amazing! PLUS the top hall at the University of Exeter will also win a pizza party!

So, please take five minutes to have a go at the quiz here and even if your hall doesn’t win, you will still go into the draw to win two big tubs of Ben & Jerry’s for yourself! The closing date for entering the quiz is Friday 17th February.

Please get in contact with if you have any questions about the quiz or the Student Switch Off competition.  Don’t forget to like the Facebook page to be kept up to date with other chances to win ice cream. Here’s some of our lucky winners from Duryard who had the highest % of students complete the quiz in November!

Facebook page
Are you aware that we we have an Accommodation Facebook page? We use this alongside the blog to keep you updated on accommodation information and news as soon as it is available. The University of Exeter has a number of different pages on social media, see our website to see if there are any others which might be relevant to you prior to your arrival.

Accommodation Catherine