We hope you are enjoying the Easter vacation. This week, we are looking at forthcoming events, terminating your accommodation contract and summer accommodation.

Can I terminate my accommodation contract earlier than the end date?
When you accepted your accommodation contract, you entered into a legally binding contract with the University of Exeter which means that you will remain liable for the fees for the full period of your contract even if you do not reside in accommodation.  This is explained in clause 4.3 of the accommodation agreement and further details are also available in section 9 of the Residential Regulations.

We are therefore unable to terminate you from your contract unless another student can be found to take over your contractual obligations.  You can seek a replacement yourself but please note that the replacement must be a registered student of the University and must not be currently living in University accommodation.

You can advertise on the Studentpad messageboard and the university noticeboard. If you do find someone, you should advise the Accommodation Office of their name and student number, so we can confirm that they are a suitable replacement and make the necessary arrangements to transfer the contract over to this student and release you from your obligations. The student taking over will also need to contact us with your information to show that they agree to the take over the contract from you.

Residence Life Team Events
There have been a number of events organised by our Residence Life Team during the first couple of terms and term three will be no exception. Planned daytrips include: Newquay, St Ives, Splashdown (waterpark), Newton Abbot races, and Paignton Zoo. They are also hoping for a visit from the Devon Birds of Prey. Further information will be available on the Residence Life Team wepbages once these events are available. We will also provide an update on our Facebook page.

Summer accommodation
We have summer accommodation for current students available between 17 June  – 2 September 2017. We welcome applications for summer accommodation on a minimum contract length of four weeks, from all registered students, whether you currently live within University of Exeter accommodation or are living within the private sector. Applications will open from Monday 24 April 2017. Further information will be available on next week’s blogpost.

The new £1.00 coin
With the introduction of the new £1.00 coin, we can confirm that all of our laundry facilities are now able to take the new coin.

Can we get in touch?
If you have any queries during the vacation period, please do not hesitate to contact us between 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday via SID or by contacting us via our Facebook page. Please note, the Accommodation Office will be closed on Good Friday (14 April) and Easter Monday (17 April). Your residence reception will also be available at various times throughout the vacation. Please refer to their webpages for further information on availability.

Accommodation Catherine