It’s that time of the year where we do see a number of students who are experiencing homesickness. This is perfectly normal and it is inevitable that it’s going to happen at some point whilst at university. Take a look below at some useful tips for overcoming these feelings and to see what support is available. We also have information about moving rooms and how to book a replacement meal if you are living in one of our catered halls.

Advice on dealing with homesickness

  1. Don’t spend a lot of time in your room, get out there and meet people. If you’re isolating yourself, it will make your feelings more intense. Try to keep busy by taking part in social activities or joining some societies, go and study in the library or maybe consider a part time job or volunteering opportunity.
  2. Stay positive and know you’re not alone. You’re not the only one who will be struggling with homesickness whilst you’re at university and remember that not every day is a party. Although that seems to be the initial expectation, the reality is always very different. Talk to your friends if you’re struggling and let them. The Residence Life Team are made up of current students who will have experienced exactly what you’re going through at some point so contact them if you need advice or support. They are there for you. Use them.
  3. Get out and explore. This is your home for the next few months/years, so get out and explore the wonderful Devonshire countryside and beaches. Take a look at Visit Devon for information on where to go and what to do. If you don’t want to go too far then just explore our beautiful campus and take a look at the work from our excellent Grounds Team.

Catered halls – meal replacement
Did you know that if you are attending a club or society or even will just be unavailable at a meal time whilst living in catered halls that you can request a meal replacement? Please fill in our online form and ensure that this has been submitted before 10:00am the day before and 10:00am on Friday if the request is for the weekend or Monday.

Wish to move rooms?
If you wish to move rooms or are unhappy in your residence then please take a look at our website for information on how your details can be added to our ‘Request to Move’ form. Alternatively you can pop in and see a member of the Accommodation Office at one of our drop-in sessions. These will be running between 10:00am-4:00pm Monday to Friday. If you have any queries outside of these hours then please email us or telephone us on 0300 555 0444 (managed 9:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday).

Accommodation Catherine