This week, we are answering some more of your frequently asked questions about applying for accommodation for 2018/19. We are looking in particularly at misconceptions around certain halls and flats.

What do I need to do and prepare?
We strongly encourage students who wish to apply for accommodation for 2018/19 to take a look at the following prior to beginning their application:

The hall I am applying for has a reputation as being noisy?
So many students during the application process express concern at particular reputations of certain halls and how it may impact their decision. All that we can say to quash these rumours is that with each new year, comes a new cohort of students with different interests. In turn, this creates a whole new atmosphere each year.

From this, when you are applying for accommodation please ensure that you are honest with your interests. If you are someone who doesn’t enjoy being around ‘quiet’ people, then do not choose the preference ‘quiet’ in your application. If you don’t enjoy visiting pubs/clubs, again, don’t put this on your application. If you are honest, we will have the best chance to match you with other like-minded students.

What if I am offered somewhere I don’t like?
As you will know by now, we are unable to guarantee one of your top four preferences and if you fall within our Accommodation Guarantee, we are only able to guarantee a bed space. Do bear in mind that wherever we offer you, we have matched you there based on interests and people and feel it will be a place you will enjoy.

If you are not happy with the offer, then you chat to our team and ask to be reconsidered elsewhere. We would add your details to a waiting list and should alternative rooms become available, we will let you know pre-arrival. If we have been unable to move you prior to you moving rooms then we strongly recommend you come along, meet with your flatmates, who you will hopefully get along with brilliantly. If once you have arrived, you are still interested in moving elsewhere, then a member of the Accommodation Office is available throughout term time to arrange room moves. We are there to provide support to you whenever you need it.

Accommodation Catherine