You are probably aware of the NUS right? You may have visited your friends or family at university and they’ve talked about the ‘Student Union’, well we have The Students’ Guild which is the students’ union for Exeter-based students. The Guild is central to student life and their services include: Representation (of students), Entertainment, Societies and student groups, Advice Unit and Fundraising and Volunteering. Further information about what they can provide is available on our website.

The Students’ Guild is led by elected Sabbatical Officers (or ‘Sabbs’) who represent the needs and views of the student body and all have specific roles. The Accommodation Office work alongside the VP Welfare and Diversity’s role who helps support the accommodation aspect of student experience.

The Guild are responsible for organising the Accommodation Fair, an event which aims to help first year students find accommodation for their second year and advise them of the various options available in the city. The event invites landlords who advertise through Studentpad, letting agents and private providers to show what accommodation they will have available. This is usually towards the end of the first term and we will keep you updated on our website and through this blog when this event will be taking place.

**UPDATE 18/09/2018** The Housing Fair will take place on Tuesday 20 November 2018.

Students’ Guild Advice
The Students’ Guild and their Advice team encourage students to consider the 4Ps when looking for private accommodation: Price, Place, People and Paperwork. These 4 Ps are here to act as a checklist when you’re planning your move, and to consider when you are viewing a property.

  • Price: Work out what your budget it.
  • Place: Think about what type of accommodation you’d like and where you’d like it to be.
  • People: Find some people you think you will live well with.
  • Paperwork: Consider fees, check your documentation, and get your contract checked by Guild Advice.

See the Student’s Guild Advice website for information on how to contact them and what they can offer advice on. They’re a really excellent service to utilise whilst you’re at university.

Freshers’ Events and the Welcome Team
The Students’ Guild Team provide support with their ‘Welcome Team’ who are current students wearing bright pink t-shirts and are available across Arrivals Weekend and Freshers’ Week to help you settle in and to offer advice. It is the Guild who provide information on the official Freshers’ events and also where university societies are listed.

Take a look at their societies and groups webpage as well as their Freshers’ events webpage for further information on how you could be joining in on a Harry Potter themed picnic, theatrical workshop, quiz nights or a sporting adventure, for example.

Accommodation Catherine and Accommodation Ann