Good morning everyone, many of you will have started to receive offers by now and will be looking to make arrival preparations, today’s blog will give you some information on our arrivals process for this Autumn.

Arrivals period

This year we’ve had to make some changes to our usual arrivals weekend. In order to manage the risks in relation to the ongoing COVID-19 situation we will be staggering arrivals for undergraduate students across the period 10 – 20 September 2020. We will notify all students of their allocated arrival date and you will be able to book a time slot for your arrival via our online system.

Do make sure you’ve looked at the advice on our Arrivals and Freshers’ webpage which includes a checklist on ‘what to bring‘.

Our booking system will open in week commencing 24 August and you will receive an email to request that you book an arrival time with us. We will ask you to book a 1 hour arrival slot in advance between 10am and 6pm on the designated arrival day for your block/residence. Evenings slots will also be available.

Only you and one other member of your household can assist in moving belongings into your bedroom/flat. Anyone else travelling with you will not be permitted into the building and we would ask that you do not brings pets with you (with the exception of assistance animals).

If you plan to bring a vehicle to unload, you need to arrive, unload your belongings and remove the vehicle from the residence parking area within that hour. Once you have unloaded your belongings, you will not be able to return with a vehicle to unload within the residence area at any other time during the arrivals period. This will allow others to arrive safely in a social distance manner before the start of the academic year.

Social Distancing & Safety Measures

  • You will see visible modification and signage around Receptions and the buildings. You must observe and adhere to all measures in place. The current social distancing rule is applied at all times whilst on site.
  • Lifts (where available) will be restricted to 2 people from the same household only.
  • There will be hand-wash/sanitising stations in key points around the Receptions and residences.
  • Please use toilet/washroom facilities within your own room/flat.

For further information on the Arrivals period for 2020/21 please click on a question below to reveal an answer.

Ordering items online and sending to your residence
We do not recommend that you purchase items online and send to your reception prior to your arrival. This is due to storage within your residence reception being limited during this time. There are a number of shops, department stores and supermarkets within the city centre and around Exeter where you can buy items ready for your stay with us.

The exception to the rule is if you purchase starter packs, kitchen packs and bedding packs* etc through Unikitout. These are sent close to your arrival and will be held at your residence reception until the day that you arrive with us.

 Accommodation Shannon