Good morning everyone! We hope you’ve had a good week, our applications are still flying in and we’re pleased to see how many of you are looking forward to living with us! This week we are looking at the cost of living whilst studying and living here, as well as accommodation fees and deposits.

Cost of Living at Exeter

The University website has put together a great table of living cost examples for you to consider. Obviously you may be paying more or less than this depending on several factors. You may want to take a look at our budgeting whilst at University video for some useful tips to help manage your money. 

If we look at the below tables, you can see the typical term-time living costs (32 weeks) for a first year UK student living in University accommodation:

Student A – living in catered accommodation

Accommodation Average £209 per week for 32 weeks £6,685
Books and equipment £300
Food – lunches, coffees, etc Approx £20 per week for 32 weeks £640
Clubs and societies £300
Clothing £250
TV licence £145
Travel home £200
Toiletries and haircuts £150
Telephone and internet £250
Social life Approx £35 per week £1,120
House deposit for next year £400
TOTAL  £10,450

Student B – living in self-catered accommodation

Self-catered accommodation for students based in Exeter
(term-time costs only – NB generally, rent is payable for 40/44 weeks of the year)

Accommodation Average £140 per week for 40 weeks £5,600
Books and equipment £300
Food – all food Approx £35 per week for 32 weeks £1,120
Clubs and societies £300
Clothing £250
TV licence £145
Travel home £200
Toiletries and haircuts £150
Telephone and internet £250
Social life  Approx £35 per week £1,120
House deposit for next year £400
TOTAL  £9,855

If you are receiving a Student Loan, it might be worth looking into how much you will receive prior to applying for accommodation as knowing your budget could impact your residence preferences.

Accommodation costs
We list all the total contract costs online for our catered residences and self-catered residences (undergraduate and postgraduate), but you may also find it useful to look at the comparison tables which we have on our newly published accommodation guides. We have separate guides for undergraduate and postgraduate students.

What about an accommodation deposit?

Our University residences no longer require you to pay to deposit for your accommodation. However, if we make you an offer of accommodation within a nominated property, or you apply directly to a third party or private hall of residence, then you are likely to be asked to pay a deposit and/or advanced rent in order to secure your bedspace. Read any pre-contract and contractual information carefully so that you know what is expected.

When are University Accommodation Fees due? 
The total cost and instalment amounts will be detailed in your accommodation offer. Accommodation Fees for undergraduate home students are due in the following instalments:

  • Term one – 4 October 2021
  • Term two – 17 January 2022
  • Term three – 9 May 2022

If you are unable to make this payment schedule or if you’re having any financial difficulties then we encourage you to get in touch with our Finance team who are very helpful and understanding.

For the 2020/21 year our payment dates were moved back due to the Covid-19 situation, we will review this as we move through next year and keep you well-informed of any changes.

We hope that this has been useful for you, enjoy your week!

Accommodation Shannon