Good morning everyone! We have started to receive some enquiries from students asking when they will receive an accommodation offer. Please don’t worry if you haven’t received any news yet as at this point in the year most students won’t have. Please see below for the different scenarios:

Undergraduate Students with an Unconditional Firm offer
Those students who have deferred their place at the University of Exeter and already have their results or any students with an Uncondtional Firm offer, we will start processing these from July and you will hear between July and September. 

Undergraduate Students with a Conditional Firm Offer

Once you have received your results either on the 5th July for IB students and the 10th August 2021 for A-level students we will send you an accommodation offer and contract at any time from receiving your results and early September.

Full Year Erasmus or International Exchange
Students studying a Full Year Erasmus course who have submitted an application for accommodation, will receive an offer between July and early September.

International Postgraduate
We will consider applications from late April onwards and send an accommodation offer and contract between May and September. Remember if you have not yet submitted an application you will need to do so by 31 July to be offered accommodation under our guarantee of accommodation.

Home Postgraduate students
For any Home students who have submitted an application for accommodation, you will have been advised that your details are currently being held on our waiting list. We strongly recommend that HomePostgraduate students consider looking for private housing within the city in order to guarantee themselves with accommodation as we are unlikely to be able to confirm whether we have rooms available until early September.

Insurance students
If you have the University of Exeter as an insurance offer then you are unable to submit an application for accommodation until you have a firm offer on a course. This is likely to be after A-Level results in August which means that you are not included within our Accommodation Guarantee. We recommend that as soon as you know that you’re coming to the University of Exeter and have a firm offer, to submit an application as soon as possible and we will keep in touch with you throughout August to update you on our availability.

To find out about the different stages of your application, please visit our ‘Track your application‘ webpage. For information on when to apply, please see our website.

Thank you for reading todays blog, we’re looking forward to sending you out your offers!

Accommodation Shannon