[Insert a fanfare sound here] the online eArrivals system (you know, that system where you book your arrival slot) will be closing down early next week. […]
Tag: catered
Offers ahoy!
All accommodation offers have now been sent out to students, so please ensure that you are checking your email inbox, including your junk/SPAM folder to make […]
Get connected!
If you want to be connected to the internet on the very first day that you arrive with us in your University of Exeter accommodation, […]
Book your arrival time
We are taking a number of calls about Arrivals Weekend and when you will be able to book your arrival slots online. Please note that, […]
Arrivals Weekend
As you may have noticed, the song inspired blog titles have ended as of today. A few may slip in occasionally but I was really […]
Help me if you can..
…Help me if you can, I’m feeling down and I do appreciate you being ’round. You may be yelling that well known Beatles song because you […]
Lovely spam…
…wonderful spam, spam, spam spam. The title for today comes from Monty Python and the spam song. It is a reminder for you all to check your […]
Monday Monday…
…so good to me. Monday morning, it was all I hoped it would be. Well luckily for me this is a pre-scheduled blog post because I […]
Bank holiday comes six times a year…
…Days of enjoyment to which everyone cheers. Thanks to Blur and their song ‘Bank Holiday‘ for today’s song inspired blog title. I was clutching at straws […]
Hit the road Jack
The soul legend that was Ray Charles has provided the inspiration for today’s blog title because it’s loosely linked to travel which is something you’ll […]