…in the middle of our street. Our house, was our castle and our keep! Well this week ‘it must be love’ with my Madness inspired […]
Tag: postgraduate
None other than David Bowie has been the inspiration behind this week’s blog title because it is a time where decisions and changes are being […]
Whatever you want, whatever you like…
…Whatever you say, you pay your money, you take your choice, whatever you need, whatever you use, whatever you win, whatever you lose! For lent, […]
Here comes the first payment deadline…
… but then, you already know this, surely?! Just in case: the last date you can pay your accommodation fees without being charged a late […]
Moving in!
It’s finally here! Welcome Weekend, the busiest three days for Exeter’s road system, when most of you lovely new students join us in your new […]
It’s the final countdown!
Do do doo doo. Do do do do doo. Do do doo doo doooooooo… Thank you Europe for that little number, which is this week’s […]
Accommodation waiting list
Due to an unprecedented demand for University accommodation this year we very much regret that we are currently not able to offer University owned/managed/approved accommodation to new […]
Let’s get ready to rumble!
Thanks to Ant and Dec/PJ and Duncan for this week’s soundtrack. No, I’m not that old. Okay, I am. Ahem, so, I’m reasonably sure that most […]
Offers and arrivals
Offers Well, we’re pretty much there with sending offers to unconditional undergraduates and new postgraduates, woohoooooooooo! Now it’s the calm (hah!) before the storm of […]
Arrivals are go! Well, nearly.
Here comes the next step in the accommodation process: Accommodation Helen has been busy over the past couple of weeks, and as a result we’re […]