Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

South West Society for Academic Primary Care meeting (SW SAPC), Cardiff 1-2 March 2016

Posted by jchoules

19 April 2016

Showcasing high quality research

Nick Thomas and Philip Evans on NIHR CRN stand

Nick Thomas and Philip Evans on NIHR CRN stand

It was great to be part of the SW SAPC meeting in Cardiff on 1 and 2 March, particularly appropriate as 1 March was St David’s Day and we were at the heart of the Welsh capital. It was good to see a large number of presentations from staff within APEx and to mix with our colleagues from academic departments across the South West. Those who are aware of the SW SAPC will know that it  has an excellent reputation as a regional conference and has extended its remit up to the furthest-flung parts of the South West, i.e. North Wales and other areas which are not usually considered as being the South West of England!

As always there was an excellent selection of oral presentations and posters with some stimulating plenary sessions as well. Having attended these SW SAPC (previously SW AUDGP) conferences for the last 20-odd years they are a wonderful source of reinvigoration and an opportunity to showcase primary care academic activity.

Emily Fletcher presenting ReGROUP study findings

Emily Fletcher presenting ReGROUP study findings

Particularly encouraging for APEx was that the two prize presentations were both to APEx staff members: Emily Fletcher presented her prize-winning oral presentation on the protocol and pilot findings from the ReGroup study, as did Sarah Bailey, on behalf of Willie Hamilton’s DISCO team looking at the importance of thrombocytosis in the diagnosis of cancer. Both of these presentations produced excellent interest in the hall and as the final session of the conference capped an excellent and stimulating time.


We very much look forward to APEx hosting the SW SAPC in the future and it remains a very important outlet for research from the academic departments close to us in the South West.

Philip Evans


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