Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

Experience at the 2024 Ca-PRI Cancer in Primary Care Conference as an Early Career Researcher by Ge Chen

Posted by ma403

3 July 2024

My name is Ge Chen, also known as Wawa. I am a graduate research assistant working in the DISCO group. The project I am currently working on involves combining genetic risk scores with routine test results to predict prostate cancer in primary care settings. The abstract of this project was accepted by the 2024 Ca-PRI conference for a 10-minute oral presentation. Adding to my excitement, I was awarded the early career researcher travel bursary, which enabled me to join this conference with DISCO team and present my work.

The Ca-PRI conference 2024 took place in Melbourne, Australia, from the 17th to the 19th of April. The conference theme for this year’s conference was “Equity, Policy, and Transforming Care,” which encompassed a wide range of topics from cancer prevention and early detection to survivorship and palliative care. As an early career researcher and PhD student, participating in this conference was a fascinating experience. Not only did I have the opportunity to present and discuss my work with people from different backgrounds, but I also listened to an array of studies presented by professionals from various fields and countries focused on cancer care. Throughout the two days, I was inspired by many succinct and impactful presentations. Furthermore, I gained a better understanding of how research integrates with policy and different healthcare systems through other researchers’ presentations and networking opportunities.

The Ca-PRI conference provided a very professional and friendly environment conducive to learning and networking. I have to admit that I felt stressed and nervous, from the preparation phase right up to the moment I presented, as this was my first time giving a relatively long presentation to an audience outside my familiar academic working group. Despite this, I found the experience immensely valuable for improving my presentation skills. I took great pleasure in delivering my work clearly to an audience not specialized in genetics, helping them understand the application of genetic risk scores. Additionally, I received useful feedback from experts in genetic risk score research, which was incredibly beneficial.

Overall, attending Ca-PRI 2024 was a great experience for me. I am very grateful for the opportunity to participate and present my research. This conference not only enhanced my knowledge and skills but also broadened my perspective on different aspects of cancer care. I am very grateful to my colleagues for their support and encouragement throughout this project. I look forward to applying the insights and feedback I gained from Ca-PRI 2024 to my ongoing research.


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