Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

Collaboration for Academic Primary Care (APEx) Blog

In category: Uncategorized

Cancer patients and their experience of primary and secondary care

Research into patient reported experience of primary care has been going on in Exeter for a number of years. Before I moved to Exeter I worked on a joint programme of work (IMPROVE) between Exeter and the University of Cambridge aiming to get a better understanding of data from the GP Patient Survey. In the […]


SAPC 2016, Dublin

SAPC Conference, Dublin, 6-8 July 2016 The start of July just wouldn’t be the same without the national Society for Academic Primary Care conference – in its 45th year we found ourselves hosted by our European friends from Dublin, including the Department of General Practice, RCSI Medical School and the HRB Centre for Primary Care. […]


PROMs Conference 9 June 2016, Sheffield

The 2016 UK Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) research conference took place last week in Sheffield (#PROMsconf2016). Over one hundred participants took part, attending 12 parallel sessions and one poster session and plenaries on Computerized adaptive testing by Professor Tim Croudace, Dundee (discussant; Dr Chris Gibbons, Cambridge); Feedback on PROMs to healthcare providers by Associate […]


Primary Care Mental Health Research Conference

Amsterdam meeting 2016 Over recent years the primary care mental health research conference has not only attracted growing numbers of UK-based primary care researchers,  but has also attracted researchers from the Netherlands and other European countries. Like the UK, these Northern European countries’ healthcare face the familiar challenges of providing mental health care to ever-increasing […]


Collaborative research in cardiac rehabilitation

Collaborative research in cardiac rehabilitation across the Tamar in Cornwall has been on-going for over a decade starting with Denis Pereira Gray, John Campbell and Phil Evans supervising Hayes Dalal’s MD and conducting the Cornwall Heart Attack Management Study (CHARMS) in the early 2000s (Dalal et al., 2007). More recently and following identification from our […]


South West Society for Academic Primary Care meeting (SW SAPC), Cardiff 1-2 March 2016

Showcasing high quality research It was great to be part of the SW SAPC meeting in Cardiff on 1 and 2 March, particularly appropriate as 1 March was St David’s Day and we were at the heart of the Welsh capital. It was good to see a large number of presentations from staff within APEx […]


Primary Care Pharmacists – a new breed for new times?

We all know – or at least, GPs working at the sharp end of primary care are acutely aware – of the pressures which general practice/primary care is presently facing. The RCGP has done a good job in raising the profile of the present issues facing the workforce, and authoritative bodies like the Centre for […]


Exeter Collaboration for Primary Care (APEx) seminars – summer 2015

The summer term of monthly APEx seminars has come to an end with our usual mix of an external speaker, an internal speaker and a joint one with two ‘junior’ researchers giving shorter seminars within the hour. These were all presented by the organiser of this series, Professor Jose M Valderas, Professor of Health Services […]


National Cancer Intelligence Network National Conference, Belfast, 8-10 June 2015

Belfast. Yes, Belfast. Just the sort of venue you’d usually find an excuse to avoid if you are asked to give a session at the National Cancer Intelligence Network national conference. But you’d have been wrong to avoid it. Of course, I come biased, having been born within a mile of the conference venue, and […]


Welcome to the APEx blog

APEx is the University of Exeter Collaboration for Academic Primary Care. APEx has been developed to align the Primary Care service priorities of NHS organisations within the South West with the education, training and research priorities of the University of Exeter. APEx aims to improve the quality of primary healthcare across the South West Peninsula, […]
