What blue can do for you

Living 15 minutes away from green and/or blue spaces

Posted by yhvc201

7 February 2023

Lately, there has been a new government plan to restore and increase accessibility to nature. Specifically, the plan includes creating, restoring and protecting natural environments and wildlife habitats, and making sure that everyone in England lives within a 15-minute walk away from green and/or blue spaces.

This ties in with one of the findings from our study. Participants told us that being in blue spaces can help their mental health in many ways. At the same time, our participants told us that low mood, anxiety and low energy and motivation can be a barrier to getting to these places. Therefore many said that having a blue space very near home was important because it made getting to these spaces easier when feeling bad.

Click here to read more about the new government plan on BBC News.

– Blue spaces team

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