What blue can do for you

Essential qualities of the space

Posted by gs531

2 July 2022

Our participants talked about several different aspects of blue spaces that seemed important in creating their helpful effects.

Many people liked that blue spaces are predictable – you know what you are going to get, and at the same time they are ever changing and full of interest.

“the view is is different every single day, that’s one of the things I absolutely love about it. Even though it is the same view, just the weather, the changing in the seasons…”

People said a lot about the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and sensations they appreciate about blue spaces.

“when I saw the waves, you know not just looking at it, but hearing it and you know smelling and all that, you know all those senses, they were, they were tingling”

It seemed important to many of our participants that blue spaces are places that do not demand anything of you: people don’t want anything from you, and nothing much is expected from you. At the same time these spaces do react to you: for example, if you throw a stone in a lake you see the effects in terms of ripples.

“I just think it’s the whole environment. You know, being somewhere where you’re not having to sort of explain yourself to people and talk to people and you don’t want to.”

Some of our participants talked about how blue spaces often have a long history, and can be very large.

“And when I look out there, it’s… awe inspiring… the landscape is just incredible. It’s expansive…. it makes you feel… small. It’s you know, like when you look up at the stars it’s like that, you are looking at this incredible creation that you know, millions of years…”

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