What blue can do for you

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A cloudy stone beach with a poem that encapsulates the experience. Forever: Everything Was Forever, Until It was no more A notion I mull over as I walk my dog along the shore From the peaks and troughs of my own psyche To the fall out of a war Patterns I try to fit together […]


Bridge Over Water

Blue spaces come in all shapes and sizes. From small rivers cutting through towns. Netherton Canal To the endless expanse of the ocean. Porthcawl Waves


Waves On The Beach

Images taken at Porthcothan Bay, North Cornwall Image taken in Exe Valley, Devon



PAINTING – ISOLATION: A DARK PARADISE BY MIKE KERINS I painted this picture early on in the pandemic, as I sort to escape from the confinement of lockdown. Blue Spaces for me can be a part of any land or seascape: lakes, streams or forests, the atmosphere of such places offering a feeling of inner […]


The Gentle Sea

Blue spaces evoke a range of emotions. The poem and image below explore the softer side of them. The Gentle Sea You glide like silk. You rise like an ocean, but still remain calm. You feel like a child whispering into their mother’s ear. I feel your touch like a warm pat on the hand. […]
