The design for the Diamond Jubilee International Garden
The design for the Diamond Jubilee International Garden

The Grounds department, along with Estate Services have been starting work on an exciting new project to celebrate the University of Exeter’s Diamond Jubilee this year.

An area of the Old Walled Garden at Reed Hall has been chosen to site the new project, which will house a themed garden to reflect the work of Veitch plant collectors around the world.

International Garden Dec 14

Areas have been chosen to reflect Australasia, Asia, Africa and The Americas and will include plants native to these areas, it is hoped that as well as providing a relaxing communal space, the area will also give our international students, staff and visitors plants they can connect with.

Work so far has involved clearing the site in preparation for the new planting.  A team of volunteers from the University gave up their time to help at the end of last year.

Volunteers hard at work
Volunteers hard at work
Lots to do!
Lots to do!

Another volunteer day has been arranged for March, this time to help with planting up the site.  It is also hoped that we will get some local apprentices in to help with the brickwork (whilst also gaining valuable work experience).  In the meantime, work is now focussed on removing redundant buildings to make more communal space.


We will keep you updated with the project as it progresses.