Our Floristry and Nursery Team have decided to branch out into growing our own cut flowers for our bouquets and displays to complement the flowers bought from our amazing local supplier.
They have been busy sowing seeds and preparing ground for a cut flower area at the Grounds Nursery on Streatham Campus, where the container grown plants can be moved in and out of the glasshouses for early blooming.
Our Dianthus (Sweet Williams) have been making their way into our displays since the end of December, along with some of the beautiful foliage we have growing at the Grounds Nursery and on campus.
Look out for our own cut Digitalis (Foxgloves), Antirrhinums (Snapdragons), Helenium, grasses and many more beautiful home grown flowers in your bouquets and displays in the summer. We will be updating their progress on here for you to see!