We were lucky to have three enthusiastic Green Consultants working with us on No Mow May. Fatemah, Muskan and Bryn created social media posts, counted wildflowers and ran an event celebrating wildflower diversity (with cake of course!) by making wildflower bookmarks using common flower species, leaving plenty for the pollinators!

The flower counts revealed 98% more wildflowers in the unmown areas of Queens compared to mown areas. Their project findings are summarised in this excellent infographic:

The reduced mowing has allowed three species of Orchids to flower and be discovered in new places (Pyramidal Orchid, Bee Orchid and Spiranthes spiralis Orchid).

Bee Orchid
Bee Orchid
Pyramidal Orchid

What now for the grassland areas? We’re so pleased with them that we are leaving them, to let the later plants flower and more insects to move in and complete their lifecycles. They also provide seed heads and more insects for birds, particularly any species which are still breeding.

The Grounds team have done some very skilful mowing, keeping neat edges and paths which we think makes the areas look most attractive.

But what do you think? We thought we’d extend the students survey to gather some wider views – the survey https://forms.office.com/e/rVW1Vs9Xin is open until Friday 26th July.