We have a strong sustainable and biodiversity ethos within the Grounds team and our arborists practice this as much as possible by regularly creating habitat piles, building bird boxes and leaving tree stumps as sanctuary for insects and wildlife. We also take great care to check trees and hedges for birds nests during the bird nesting season between March and September and, if found, do not carry out any works in these areas to ensure they are not disturbed.
National Nest Box Week box starts today (14th February) and lots of garden birds will soon be starting to look for their home for the next breeding season. This is a perfect time to help them find a safe sheltered place to nest and our arborists have been busy creating bird boxes within trees around our grounds.
We hope the birds nest-le down in their new home and we’re egg-cited to seeing new feathered friends around campus at the end of the nesting season!
For further information on National Nest Box Week, visit https://www.nestboxweek.com/