We have been busy this week pruning and clearing the area by Byrne House on Streatham Campus, to ensure clear and safe access. Great job […]
Exeter in Bloom 2018 Silver Gilt Award
We are delighted to announce that Exeter in Bloom received a Silver Gilt Award in the South West Tourism Cup category of the 2018 Britain […]
Protecting wildlife and birds nests
The University’s Grounds Team have the greatest respect for the environment and biodiversity on campus. This includes delaying hedge cutting until after the bird nesting […]
Summer Graduation 2018
Happy Graduation and congratulations to everyone who is graduating this week! Our Floristry Team have worked tirelessly to create the beautiful floral decorations in the […]
Green Flag Award 2018/19
We are delighted to announce that we haveĀ againĀ been awarded the Green Flag Award for both our Streatham Campus and our St Lukeās Campus; a sign […]
Grounds Memories
Our Grounds and Gardens Manager, Terry, can remember planting these Lime and Cherry trees in 1987. How they have grown!
Bowled Over By Act Of Kindness
Our Arboriculture Manager, Peter, found a very dirty hidden bag containing some wooden bowls and bowling shoes in the Lower Hoopern Valley. Peter cleaned the […]
Exeter Floral Trail – Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th May 2018
As the world goes flower crazy with the start of the RHS Chelsea Flower Show later this month, Exeter is set to get its own […]
Critically Endangered Tree Growing on Campus
We are so pleased to have this Wollemi Pine tree on campus and report that it is thriving. The Wollemi Pine, as it is known, […]
Joint Community Project – Litter Pick St David’s Neighbourhood
The University Grounds Team and the University Community Student Wardens teamed up with the St David’s Litter Busters group on Friday 27th April 2018 in […]