(DEXAmethasone in CELLulitis)
Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) is an essential part of NIHR research. Involving patients, carers and the public throughout the research design helps run the trial.
The DEXACELL study team have a number of PPI members who we will work closely with throughout the whole study timeline, from the initial design of the study, through to publication of study results at the very end. Their input ensures that the study remains relevant to those who have experienced cellulitis.
Doctors and researchers can often under or overestimate how attractive a clinical trial might be to a patient. PPI Contributors can give a different perspective. They can explain considerations patients may have before agreeing to join a trial. For example, how much risk or how many additional hospitals visits a patient may be willing to take on. PPI contributors can review the study documentation, such as the participant information sheet, to ensure it is clearly explained and written in language that is easy to understand. PPI contributors can also make sure that the study analysis is relevant to the people it is trying to help.
In short, PPI contributors can improve the study quality and relevance to those who have experienced cellulitis at every stage of the trial.
PPI members in DEXACELL:
PPI Lead; Julie Gibbs and David Rowe
DEXACELL Trial Management Group – focuses on study delivery – one PPI member
DEXACELL Trial Steering Committee – focuses on study oversight – two PPI members
DEXACELL PPI group – many PPI members who we meet with approximately every 3 months to discuss in depth any queries or to review documentation depending on the stage of the trial