• The DEXACELL Trial

    (DEXAmethasone in CELLulitis)

    Taking Part in DEXACELL

    What does taking part in the study involve?

    Adult patients who visit one of our participating hospitals with cellulitis may be invited to participate in the trial.

    Participants in the trial will be asked to sign a consent form, and complete some short questionnaires about their health during their visit to the hospital. They will then be put into one of two groups in a random way (by chance). This ensures that the two groups are as similar as possible so that we can compare them fairly. The two groups are:

    • Group 1 – ‘Intervention’ this group will be given a medicine called dexamethasone.
    • Group 2 – ‘Comparator’ this group will be given a placebo (a dummy pill that looks the same but contains no real medicine).

    The dexamethasone and placebo will look identical. Neither the participants or the doctors/nurses or the research team will know which group they were put into. This means we can make a fair assessment of which treatment option is better.

    Participants will then be asked to complete some short questionnaires by SMS every 12 hours for 3 days. A member of the study team will then call participants at 14-days and 90-days after joining the study to complete some longer questionnaires over the phone to gather information about their health.

    Visit the “Participant Information” tab to see a short video about participating in The DEXACELL Trial.