Finding the Way

Finding the Way

Understanding the Barriers to Retention and Success for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering

About us

Our project “Finding the Way: Understanding the Barriers to Retention and Success for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering” aim to synthesise research related to increasing participation of ECRs from underrepresented groups, in terms of their gender, social class and race/ethnicity, in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering disciplines. Literature on this topic is wide-ranging; spanning a multitude of disciplinary fields, methodologies and populations.

We aim to conduct high quality research with an impact on educational inequalities in STEM, using a wide range of methodologies. Moreover, we aim to disseminate our research to academic and non-academic audiences, and create recommendations for good practices and areas for further exploration. One example is our report with co-created recommendations for stakeholders.