Finding the Way

Finding the Way

Understanding the Barriers to Retention and Success for Early Career Researchers in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Sciences and Engineering


Journal articles

Yeomans, L.; Zschaler, S. & Coate, K. (2019). Transformative and Troublesome? Students’ and Professional Programmers’ Perspectives on Difficult Concepts in Programming. ACM Transactions on Computing Education. 19. 1-27; DOI: 10.1145/3283071.

Yeomans, L., Zschaler, S. & Coate, K. (2019). Transformative and Troublesome? Students’ and Professional Programmers’ Perspectives on Difficult Concepts in Programming. ACM Trans. Comput. Educ. 19, 3, Article 23 (September 2019), DOI: 10.1145/3283071

Sentance, S.; Waite, J.; Yeomans, L. & MacLeod, E. (2017). Teaching with physical computing devices: the BBC micro:bit initiative. 87-96, DOI: 10.1145/3137065.3137083.

Francis, B.; Archer, L.; Moote, J.; Witt, J. & Yeomans, L. (2017). Femininity, science, and the denigration of the girly girl, British Journal of Sociology of Education, 38:8, 1097- 1110, DOI: 10.1080/01425692.2016.1253455

Francis, B.; Archer, L.; Moote, J.; DeWitt, J.; MacLeod, E. & Yeomans, L. (2017). The Construction of Physics as a Quintessentially Masculine Subject: Young People’s Perceptions of Gender Issues in Access to Physics. Sex Roles. 76. DOI: 10.1007/s11199-016-0669-z.

Archer, L.; Moote, J. & Francis, B.; DeWitt, J. & Yeomans, L. (2016). The “Exceptional” Physics Girl: A Sociological Analysis of Multimethod Data From Young Women Aged 10-16 to Explore Gendered Patterns of Post-16 Participation. American Educational Research Journal. 54, DOI: 10.3102/0002831216678379.

Archer, L., Moote, J., Francis, B., DeWitt, J. & Yeomans, L. (2016). Stratifying science: a Bourdieusian analysis of student views and experiences of school selective practices in relation to ‘Triple Science’ at KS4 in England. Research Papers in Education. 32. 1-20. DOI: 10.1080/02671522.2016.1219382.

Norwich B, Moore D, Stentiford L, Hall D (2022). A critical consideration of ‘mental health and wellbeing’ in education: thinking about school aims in terms of wellbeing. British Educational Research JournalAbstract.

Koutsouris G, Stentiford L, Norwich B (2022). A critical exploration of inclusion policies of elite UK universities. British Educational Research Journal

Koutsouris G, Stentiford L, Benham-Clarke S, Hall D (2021). Agonism in education: a systematic scoping review and discussion of its educational potential. Educational Review

Stentiford L, Koutsouris G, Allan A (2021). Girls, mental health and academic achievement: a qualitative systematic review. Educational Review

Stentiford L, Koutsouris G, Boyle C, Jindal-Snape D, Salazar Rivera J, Benham-Clarke S (2021). The structures and processes governing education research in the UK from 1990-2020: a systematic scoping review. Review of Education9(3).

Stentiford L, Koutsouris G (2021). What are Inclusive Pedagogies in Higher Education?: a Systematic Scoping Review. Studies in Higher Education46, 2245-2261.

Koutsouris G, Anglin-Jaffe H, Stentiford L (2020). How well do we understand social inclusion in education?. British Journal of Educational StudiesAbstract.

Finning K, Ukoumunne OC, Ford T, Danielson-Waters E, Shaw L, Romero De jager I, Stentiford L, Moore D (2019). Review: the association between anxiety and poor attendance at school – a systematic review. Child and Adolescent Mental Health24(3), 205-2016. Abstract

Stentiford LJ (2019). ‘You can tell which ones are the laddy lads’: young women’s accounts of the engineering classroom at a high-performing English university. Journal of Gender Studies28(2), 218-230. Abstract

Stentiford LJ, Koutsouris G, Norwich B (2018). A systematic literature review of the organisational arrangements of primary school-based reading interventions for struggling readers. Journal of Research in Reading41(S1), 197-225.

Finning K, Ukoumunne O, Ford T, Danielsson-Waters E, Shaw L, Romero De Jager I, Stentiford L, Moore D (2018). The association between child and adolescent depression and poor attendance at school: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Affective Disorders245, 928-938