Stoke Woods: The first ExCO field site in Exeter
Posted by Ted Feldpausch
3 July 2011
Last week the sun came back to welcome the implementation of the first ExCO field site!
Activities for setting up the site’s carbon monitoring scheme have started in Stoke Woods. The ExCO is supported by University of Exeter’s Annual Fund and is led by Dr Luiz Aragao and Dr Iain Hartley. Our aim is to involve students from all levels and society in research carried out in the site. As a long-term initiative, we expect to be able to use it as a catalyst of information on the role of forests for mitigating global warming.
Figure 1. First evaluation of the site by Luiz and Iain.
Current Activities: To help quantify the role of UK forest in assimilating atmospheric CO2, University of Exeter Master’s student David Crookes is using the site to carry out his research. David will be surveying trees in mixed broadleaf stands with different ages to evaluate their contribution to atmospheric carbon dioxide sequestration in Stoke Woods.

Figure 2. David using his GPS to locate the suitable sites.
The site is a wonderful woods. The area has plenty of ancient oak trees and mixed broadleaf stands. The Forestry Commission’s plans for the site is to allow the native forest to regrowth. During the transition between managed to native woods, native species will grow and will tell us the current capacity of native regeneration to sequester CO2 from the atmosphere.
Figure 3. Stoke Woods ancient oak tree
Next Steps: Two other Exeter students will also be using this site for their dissertation. We will keep you posted on the progress of their work. We will be out there throughout the summer and are expecting great participation of Exeter students, volunteers and the society, in general, to understand and protect this spectacular natural resource that woodlands offer.
Photos and text: Luiz Aragão