Exeter Carbon Observatory


Please direct questions to Prof. Ted Feldpausch, Professor in Terrestrial Ecology and Global Change – Dept of Geography and Global Systems Institute, University of Exeter

Work with Us

We aim to engage with local farmers and forest managers to study carbon cycling, biodiversity, and landscape rewilding in different land-use types across SW England and the UK. Examples of interaction include university students taking measurements as part of their research, pursuing funding to support joint projects, and establishing field plots and measurements to evaluate the effects of land use, drought, fire, flooding, and climate change.  If you are interested in working with us, please get in touch with us.

Project History

The Exeter Carbon Observatory was first developed through a grant to Profs. Luiz Aragão (now based in Brazil) and Iain Hartely from the University of Exeter Annual Fund. Since then, the ExCO sites have been used for Geography student dissertations and field practicals in the Biogeography module by Profs. Ted Feldpausch and Lina Mercado.


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