Exeter Professional

Exeter Professional


The Exeter Professional is here to support our Professional Services staff to be the very best they can be, to continue to provide a consistently outstanding service to our academic and student communities, and to leverage the talent to develop the highest levels of professional capability in creative and collaborative ways.

These are exciting times to be a part of the Exeter journey as we embark on our new ten year institutional strategy which puts our partnerships, our place and, most importantly, our people at the heart of everything we do.

The Exeter Professional is important for both Professional Services staff already here and those considering joining us. The University is committed to offering attractive careers and development opportunities for the next generation of talent to aspire to and the Professional Development Framework will become a vital tool to support you on your career pathway here at Exeter.

The following webpages have been designed to ensure that you can find the information about what the University expects of you and how you can create a successful career here. It has been designed by fellow Professional Services colleagues for you so please use it, share it with colleagues and help to enhance it through providing the team with feedback.

I wish you every success in creating your future here at Exeter.


Mike Shore-Nye
Registrar and Secretary