The Exeter Time-Resolved Magnetism Facility


Updated 19th October, 2022


Before users begin their experiments in the EXTREMAG facility, a local induction and safety briefing on the local laser rules and safe operating procedures related to the experiment will be provided by the SEO.  The SEO will also provide the training required for users to perform measurements and change samples where possible.  All user time will be supported by the SEO.  Frequently visiting users will be able to work more independently of the SEO as their knowledge of the experiment and measurements develops.  However, loan working is not permitted by visiting users, and so it is advisable for pairs of users to visit to avoid loan working when the SEO is not available.

Laser interlocks and warning signs are in use at access points to the user areas and laser room.

Laser Room

The lasers are installed on a fully enclosed optical table in a dedicated laser room that is interlocked and separated from the user areas.  The laser room is not accessible for visiting users.  The laser room optics are configured by the SEO so that multiple beams can be available in both user areas of EXTREMAG: the so-called free space lab B2, and the microscopy lab B3.

Laser protective eyewear must be worn by users of EXTREMAG.

User Area

Users can access the laser beam for their experiment by manual remote control of a laser shutter in the path of the beam as it passes from the laser room to the user area.  Only the laser beam required for the user experiment will be available via the shutters and all other beams to the same user area will be blocked within the laser enclosure by the SEO before the visit.  Beam paths in the user area will be enclosed where possible and all necessary laser safety infrastructure installed.  Laser protective eyewear for the particular wavelength(s) in use will be provided and must be worn by users.

User access to the laser beam will be via manual remote control to the appropriate laser shutter

Other safety matters

Users will be briefed on other safety matters, e.g. high vacuum, cryogenic liquids, and high magnetic field, only if such hazards form part of their experiment, or form part of a local user experiment in the adjacent user area.

There are often multiple hazards in EXTREMAG that users must be aware of.

Safety documentation

All EXTREMAG safety documentation is available on request, including risk assessments, safe operating procedures, local laser rules, and laser safety eyewear calculations.  Please contact the SEO for more information if you need to complete a risk assessment for your own institution before travelling to EXTREMAG.