Food systems impacts of COVID 19
  • Food systems impacts of COVID 19

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    How can we understand the complexity of the food system?

    Spaghetti Junction UK   By Tim Wilkinson I don’t understand how the food system works. That might sound like an odd thing to say from someone working on this project. But two unconnected things have hit this home recently. First, the plight of wholesalers who have been treated differently in terms of government support and […]


    How can we ‘build back better’ and what’s the role of plant-based diets?

      By Prof. Michael Winter In July 2020, the UK Global Food Security Programme and the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council hosted a workshop with a range of stakeholders from across the UK food system. The workshop sought to determine the research and innovation needs and opportunities around ‘building back better’ through Covid, and […]


    The Footballer and Food

      By Prof. Michael Winter I don’t often watch football. I used to enjoy playing but that was many years ago and somehow I just much prefer watching rugby these days, maybe because that’s a sport I never did play.  Be that as it may, on Sunday evening I did tune into BBC 1 and […]


    Covid Food Business Barometer – summary of results from a short survey in late 2020

      By Tim Wilkinson and Matt Lobley We have been casting our minds back to November 2020. It feels like a long time ago now. A lot has changed; and while analysing some data we collected at the end of last year, we have been thinking about just how much. This week we are presenting […]


    The Plight of Wholesalers

      By Prof. Michael Winter I suppose it is hardly surprising that most media attention on food throughout the panic has tended to focus predominantly on the retail and hospitality sectors. After all, that is where millions of people have felt the changes in our food system most keenly. However, at our January Expert Panel […]


    A New Consumer World View?

      By Steve Guilbert About this time last year, in amongst the usual ubiquitous year-end top ten lists and articles about trends we should be looking out for in 2020, were reports of an outbreak of a mysterious illness in a Chinese city.   As we entered the New Year and decade no-one could have predicted […]


    The Impact of Covid-19 on the UK Fresh Food Supply Chain – A Summary

      By Prof. Michael Winter Research results from other projects on the impact of COVID are beginning to emerge and this month I am highlighting a paper led by some Exeter colleagues based in the Business School here at the University, Rebecca Mitchell and Roger Maull, working in collaboration with researchers from the University of […]


    Lockdown 2.0

      By Tim Wilkinson In the second national lockdown we saw food service and hospitality businesses restricted to takeaway only. The only option to ‘eat out’ was at outdoor street food markets, who could continue trading. A poll of 242 food business operators during the week of the announcement of the lockdown found support for […]


    Online Food Business Barometer survey launched

    We launched our short Covid Food Business Barometer survey this month. It’s about how things are going for food businesses right now, what they think about the future and how prepared they were for autumn’s Covid-19 restrictions. The survey is just 12 quick questions (we know there are a lot of surveys out there at the moment […]


    Mapping the UK Food System – A Review

      By Prof. Michael Winter Hasnain, S., Ingram, J. and Zurek, M. 2020. Mapping the UK Food System – a report for the UKRI Transforming UK Food Systems Programme. Environmental Change Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford. ISBN 978-1-874370-81-9. The full report is available on the Global Food Security programme website, where it is supported by […]
