Our world-leading environment and sustainability research underpins a wide range of postgraduate programmes. In our Meet our Students series we look at the journeys taken by those studying MSc courses within the Graduate School of Environment and Sustainability, explore why they have chosen to study with us and learn about their experiences at the University of Exeter, Cornwall. Today we hear from Mahdi Jalili Mehrabani, an MSc Sustainable Development student!

Name: Mahdi Jalili Mehrabani

What course are you studying? MSc Sustainable Development

Where do you call home? Iran

Where did you complete your undergraduate course? Iran, Mashhad, Ferdowsi university

What was your undergraduate course? B.A. civil engineering

Did you work or volunteer before starting your MSc programme? If so, in what roles?

Yes, I was the deputy of the Coordination Office of the Municipality of my hometown.

What attracted you to your MSc course? Why did you choose the University of Exeter?
Sustainable Development is not provided by the university of my country. I searched the net and I found that Exeter is the 5th top university of England with the strong Environmental School.

What do you like about living and studying in Cornwall?
Good logistic supporting. If I can find a part time Job in the neighbourhood everything will be good.

What are you looking forward to most about your course?
To be taught more practically.

What skills and experiences are you hoping to gain from your course?

Being familiar with the practical implications.

What have been the highlights so far?
Keen, caretaker and supportive tutor. (Dr. Rachel Turner). The availability of the Master suite early in the morning till late at night.

What are your career aspirations?

To find a relevant occupation.

The Graduate School of Environment and Sustainability brings together experts from across the spectrum of earth and life sciences, engineering, humanities, social sciences and business. Our programmes are all designed with a focus on developing solutions to global challenges and creating a better future for our planet and its people. Help lead a global Greener, Healthier and Fairer revolution by studying one of our world-leading, interdisciplinary Masters degrees here at the University of Exeter, Cornwall. See our Masters programmes here.