Friday June 14th 2024, 9am – 6pm
University of Exeter
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Conference 2024 – Programme

Keynote Information and Link to Join
(Re) Vision by Design: Unfolding Creativity for Transcultural Communicative Competence
Dr. Jennifer Eddy
12:15 p.m. – 1:15 p.m.
How does creativity inform and inspire language learning and visual literacy? To what extent can we compare, facilitate, collaborate and share with others to place cultural contexts within reach? How can language learners design novel products and experiences with the language they own now to mediate for someone who is unfamiliar with the culture? We will explore models across levels using transdisciplinary themes with creative tasks to make language accessible and cultural perspectives visible. This keynote will inspire ways to transform language learning experiences through art, identity, language, novelty and transfer, preparing language learners to move transcultural communicative competence forward within, across and among cultures.
This keynote includes tools to design progressive sequences of tasks using visual art as community text. Exemplars featuring transdisciplinary universal themes and texts will be shared to yield novel products for language agility, mediation and inter/transcultural communicative competence. This session will be of interest to languages and cultures and visual studies students and teacher trainees in MFL who wish to design through cultural history, visual and performing arts.
Dr. Jennifer Eddy is an Associate Professor and program director of World Language Education at Queens College, City University of New York. Dr Eddy teaches graduate courses in curriculum, assessment and program design. Her program certifies teachers in New York State for Arabic, Chinese, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Russian, Spanish and Urdu. She researches and presents on teacher as designer, transcultural communicative competence, backward design, transfer task-based assessment, CLIL and MFL/EAL curriculum aligned with other content areas, such as art, music and business. She is author of Designing World Language Curriculum for Intercultural Communicative Competence (2022: Bloomsbury Academic) and Sonidos, Sabores, y Palabras (2006: Cengage/Thomson Heinle), featuring world music as authentic texts for curricula tasks. Dr Eddy recently presented for LanguageWorld, International CLIL Conference and the ICC-International Language Conference and was guest lecturer for modules in Intercultural Education and Communication at UCL. Eddy consults with schools, universities, local and national government organisations on curriculum and programme design for MFL.
Panel Information and Links to Join

Panel 1b – Orientations: The Global and Local in Performance, Language, and Visual-Material Culture
9:00 a.m. – 10:25 a.m.

Panel 4ai – Lightning Talks: Semantic Discoveries and Migrant Narratives
Panel 4aii – Looking across Spatial and Architectural Boundaries
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
Panel 4b – Visual Frontiers: Art Performance, Textile Narratives, and Dissident Bodies
3:30 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.

If you have any questions, please email us at Thank you!