Centre for Interdisciplinary Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Centre for Interdisciplinary Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Klejda Mulaj 

I study violence of war with particular reference to crimes against humanity – genocide, ethnic cleansing, and war crimes. My recent work explores effects of genocide in its aftermath and has resulted in a volume entitled Postgenocide: Interdisciplinary Reflections on the Effects of Genocide, published with Oxford University Press. My academic research started out of curiosity for a scholarly understanding of the origins and consequences of crimes against humanity perpetrated in the Balkan region in the twentieth century, and the wars which facilitated and utilised such crimes for war ends. Outputs from this research include a monograph entitled Politics of Ethnic Cleansing: Nation-State Building and Provision of In/Security in Twentieth Century Balkans (Lexington Books / Roman & Littlefield). My articles related to violence of war and crimes against humanity have appeared in peer reviewed academic journals such as Review of International Studies; Journal of Human Rights; Security Dialogue; Crime, Law and Social Change; International Migration; Democracy and Security; Nationalities Papers; & Nationalism and Ethnic Politics.

I welcome PhD students wishing to conduct qualitative research on any aspect of genocide and crimes against humanity.

Email: K.Mulaj@exeter.ac.uk

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/klejda-mulaj-phd-09074a121/?originalSubdomain=uk