Centre for Interdisciplinary Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Centre for Interdisciplinary Holocaust and Genocide Studies

Research supervision

Our staff members welcome enquiries about potential PhD or masters-level research. Please go to our People page to find out about their research specialisms and contact details.

Undergraduate teaching

Members of the centre teach modules related to Holocaust and genocide studies across varied disciplines. Undergraduate and postgraduate students are welcome to reach out to the module convenors to explore either formally registering or informally auditing.

HIH3316/3317 – The Holocaust and Nazi Occupation of Eastern Europe, 1939-1945

HIH3532 – Violence

POL3168 – War and its Aftermath: Interventions and Contemporary Conflict

POLM084 – Conflict, Security and Development in World Politics

SOC3046A – The Holocaust, Genocide and Society

THE2219/3219 – Religion and Holocaust Memory in Public Life